Copyrights: Deena El Mahdy; Marco Hemmerling; Ayçe Döşemeciler; Athanassios Economou; Ana Lopez-Moza; Archive of the Laboratory of Architectural Bionics, Moscow – Dmitri Kozlov; Federico A. Garrido; LissCWerner
Copyrights: Deena El Mahdy; Marco Hemmerling; Ayçe Döşemeciler; Athanassios Economou; Ana Lopez-Moza; Archive of the Laboratory of Architectural Bionics, Moscow – Dmitri Kozlov; Federico A. Garrido; LissCWerner
©Isabella Friso. D'ACUNTO, Giuseppe and FRISO, Isabella; IUAV University of Architecture of Venice, Italy; “Piazza San Marco which is not there. How it is, how it was and how it should have been”; Monday, 26 July, 2021, Session: Representation and Mediation
©Marco Hemmerling. HEMMERLING, Marco; Technische Hochschule Köln, Germany; “Anamorphic spaces”; Monday, 26 July, 2021, Session: Space, Perception, and Representation
©Federico A. Garrido. GARRIDO, Federico Andres; TU Kaiserslautern, Germany and German University Cairo, Egypt; “Understanding 19th century architecture through parametric design strategies”; Monday, 26 July, 2021, Session: Parametric Analysis and Designing
©Archive of the Laboratory of Architectural Bionics, Moscow; Rod-cable flexible-elastic transformable structures, Authors: Lebedev YU. S., Tishin V. V., 1978. KOZLOV, Dmitri; Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services, Moscow, Russia; “Mathematics of Forms and Structures of Animate Nature in the Theory and Practice of Architectural Bionics”; Tuesday, 27 July, 2021, Session: Mathematics of Natural Forms and Structures
©Athanassios Economou. ECONOMOU, Athanassios; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA; “Durand Redrawn: A formal description of Durand’s Précis of the Lectures on Architecture”; Tuesday, 27 July, 2021, Session: Design Theory and Analysis
©Ayçe Döşemeciler. DÖŞEMECILER, Ayçe and KARAVELI KARTAL, Andrée Sonad; Beykent University, Istanbul, Turkey; “Overview of Geometry of Design Course: Integration of Mathematics with Design in Architectural Education”; Tuesday, 27 July, 2021, Session: Architectural Education
©Deena El Mahdy. EL MAHDY, Deena; The British University, Egypt; “Making to learn: a pedagogical teaching model from manual to fabrication in architectural education curriculum”; Tuesday, 27 July, 2021, Session: Architectural Education
©Deena El Mahdy. EL MAHDY, Deen; The British University, Egypt; “Making to learn: a pedagogical teaching model from manual to fabrication in architectural education curriculum”; Tuesday, 27 July, 2021, Session: Architectural Education
©LissCWerner. WERNER, Liss; Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; “Prototype component for a data-driven 2,5-dimensonal Façade to increase visual Comfort”; Wednesday, 28 July, 2021, Session: Design methods
©Ana Lopez-Moza. LOPEZ-MOZO, Ana; RABASA-Díaz, Enrique; CALVO-LOPEZ, José; ALONSO- RODRIGUEZ, Miguel Ángel; SANJURJO-ALVAREZ, Alberto; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain; “Geometry and actual construction in brick vaults by slices. The case of Carranque in Spain”; Thursday, 29 July, 2021, Session: Design and Construction History